Organic Certified Face Care
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جل معتمد عضوياً من نتشورا سيبريكا للعيون لمكافحة الانتفاخ، 30 مل.
Natura Siberica Organic Certified Anti-Puffiness Eye Gel Give your delicate eye area the instant hydration boost it needs, with this lightweight gel. It will help remove signs of tiredness to leave your eyes looking fresh and awake! Made using gentle hydrolates, often called floral or fragrant water. The hydrolate is...- 7.900 KWD
- 7.900 KWD
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كريم النهار العضوي المعتمد من نتشورا سيبريكا للحماية والترطيب للبشرة الحساسة، 50 مل.
Natura Siberica Protection & Comfort Moisturizing Day Cream Organic 50ml is a face cream with organic rhodiola rosea hydrolate. It is specially designed for sensitive skin. Its formula associates : rhodiola rosea organic hydrolate, rich in organic acids, manganese, copper, zinc, essential oils and...- 12.500 KWD
- 12.500 KWD
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ماء التونر العضوي المعتمد للترطيب لجميع أنواع البشرة من نتشورا سيبريكا، 100 مل.
NS Organic Certified Moisturising face tonic for all skin types art of our range of organic-certified face care, made using gentle hydrolates., often called floral or fragrant water. The hydrolase is obtained from the plant through gentle distillation, which ensures all the valuable antioxidant...- 10.500 KWD
- 10.500 KWD
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مياه التونر للوجه للتهدئة الفورية وإراحة البشرة الحساسة من نتشورا سيبريكا ، 100 مل.
The Instant Relief Face Tonic softens, refreshes and minimises the signs of stress and fatigue. Roseroot hydrosol, the key component found in this formula, is rich in organic acids, such as manganese and essential oils, that protect the skin against environmental influences. Davurica rose...- 8.900 KWD
- 8.900 KWD
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جل التقشير بحمض الهيالورونيك المعتمد عضويًا من نتشورا سيبريكا لجميع أنواع البشرة، بسعة 75 مل.
Natura Siberica Organic Certified Hyaluronic Exfoliating Gel This face tonic with hyaluronic acid, gently cleanses and tones the skin, giving a natural glow and even complexion to the skin. This exfoliating gel, based on organic Kuril Tea hydrolate, gently cleanses, moisturizes, and helps to revitalize skin, leaving a feeling of smoothness. Hydrolate is a concentrated vitamin and microelement cocktail derived from plants...- 9.000 KWD
- 9.000 KWD
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سيروم الوجه المعتمد عضويًا من نتشورا سيبريكا لتفتيح البشرة لجميع أنواع البشرة، 15 مل.
Natura Siberica Organic Certified Brightening Face Serum - All Skin Types This serum, based on organic Kuril Tea hydrolate, perfectly refreshes and smoothes skin, giving it a natural radiance. Hydrolate is a concentrated vitamin and microelement cocktail, derived from plants by distillation. Face care products, based on hydrolates, provide intensive skincare,...- 12.900 KWD
- 12.900 KWD
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كريم الـ BB المصحح للبشرة المعتمد عضويًا من نتشورا سيبريكا لجميع أنواع البشرة، 30 مل.
Natura Siberica Organic Certified BB Correcting Cream - All Skin Types This cream, based on organic Kuril Tea hydrolase, helps to hide skin imperfections, moisturizes skin, and improves complexion. Hydrolate is a Concentrated vitamin and microelement cocktail derived from plants by distillation. Face care products, based on hydrolats, provide intensive skincare, leaving it soft and velvety....- 10.500 KWD
- 10.500 KWD
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ماسك معتمد عضويًا من نتشورا سيبريكا لتقليل التعب والانتفاخ حول العيون للبشرة الحساسة، 50 مل.
Natura Siberica Organic Certified Anti-Fatigue Eye Patch-Effect Mask This mask, based on organic Rhodiola Rosea hydrolate, refreshes the eye area, smoothes skin, and removes signs of fatigue, giving a feeling of comfort. Hydrolate is a concentrated vitamin and microelement cocktail derived from plants by distillation. Face care products, based on hydrolates, provide intensive skin care, leaving it soft and velvety. Rhodiola...- 8.500 KWD
- 8.500 KWD
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كريم العيون المعتمد عضوياً لمكافحة التجاعيد وشد البشرة من نتشورا سيبريكا ، 30 مل.
Natura Siberica Age Defying Organic Lifting Eye Cream 30ml is an organic snow-cladonia hydrosol cream that has a tightening effect on the delicate skin around the eyes. It helps prevent the formation of fine lines and compensates for the loss of elasticity. Its formula...- 8.900 KWD
- 8.900 KWD
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زيت الهيالورونيك العميق المعتمد عضويًا لتنظيف البشرة ,ومكافح للشيخوخة ، 150 مل.
Natura Siberica Age-Defying Organic Deep Cleansing Hyaluronic Oil 150ml is an ideal hyaluronic oil for comfortable and gentle facial cleansing. It removes makeup, softens, and moisturizes the skin. Its formula associates : organic snow cladonia hydrolat, from snow cladonia, picked in the wild, is...- 9.500 KWD
- 9.500 KWD
- سعر الوحدة
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كريم الليل المعتمد عضويًا لاستعادة حيوية البشرة ومقاومة التجاعيد من نتشورا سيبريكا ، 50 مل.
Natura Siberica Age-Defying Organic Night Recovery Face Cream 50ml is a night cream with Organic Snow Cladonia Hydrolat that improves the elasticity of the skin and activates its natural regeneration process. Its formula combines: Organic cladonia hydrolates from snow cladonia, harvested in the wild, is...- 9.900 KWD
- 9.900 KWD
- سعر الوحدة
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مياه التونر للوجه بحمض الهيالورونيك المعتمد عضويًا لمكافحة الشيخوخة من نتشورا سيبريكا ، 150 مل.
Natura Siberica Organic Certified Age-Defying Hyaluronic Face Tonic This face tonic with hyaluronic acid, gently cleanses and tones the skin, giving a natural glow and even complexion to the skin. Hydrolate is a concentrated vitamin and microelement cocktail derived from plants by distillation. Face care products, based on hydrolates, provide intensive skin care, leaving it soft and...- 11.500 KWD
- 11.500 KWD
- سعر الوحدة
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سيروم الوجه المعتمد عضويًا لمقاومة التجاعيد وشد البشرة من نتشورا سيبريكا ، بسعة 15 مل.
Anti-Gravity Face Serum This serum, based on the hydrolyte (Hydrolate) of organic reindeer lichen, deeply moisturizes, contributes to the lifting and the effective tightening of the skin, and renews the contour of the face.Hydrolate is a concentrated vitamin and microelement cocktail, derived from plants...- 9.900 KWD
- 9.900 KWD
- سعر الوحدة
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